# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by a Yarn.social pod We.Love.Privacy.Club running yarnd 0.15.1@7fd3daed 2023-11-26T10:40:12+10:00 go1.20.1 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = eldersnake # url = https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/eldersnake/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/eldersnake/avatar # description = # # following = 64 ## # follow = @mastodon.social https://mastodon.social/users/ocdtrekkie # follow = Dilbert https://feeds.twtxt.net/Dilbert/twtxt.txt # follow = Low-Tech-Magazine https://feeds.twtxt.net/low-tech-magazine/twtxt.txt # follow = Reddit_World_News https://feeds.twtxt.net/Reddit_World_News/twtxt.txt # follow = TheAge_Technology https://feeds.twtxt.net/TheAge_Technology/twtxt.txt # follow = abucci https://anthony.buc.ci/user/abucci/twtxt.txt # follow = adi https://f.adi.onl/user/adi/twtxt.txt # follow = adi@twtxt.net https://twtxt.net/user/adi/twtxt.txt # follow = akoizumi https://social.chaotic.ninja/user/akoizumi/twtxt.txt # follow = anth http://a.9srv.net/tw.txt # follow = axodys https://octobloc.xyz/user/axodys/twtxt.txt # follow = bender https://twtxt.net/user/bender/twtxt.txt # follow = carsten https://yarn.zn80.net/user/carsten/twtxt.txt # follow = computerphile https://feeds.twtxt.net/computerphile/twtxt.txt # follow = darch@neotxt.dk https://neotxt.dk/user/darch/twtxt.txt # follow = david https://netbros.com/user/david/twtxt.txt # follow = dkordic https://twtxt.net/user/dkordic/twtxt.txt # follow = eaplmx https://twtxt.net/user/eaplmx/twtxt.txt # follow = eldarpex https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/eldarpex/twtxt.txt # follow = eldersnake https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/eldersnake/twtxt.txt # follow = fastidious https://twtxt.net/user/fastidious/twtxt.txt # follow = golang_news https://feeds.twtxt.net/golang_news/twtxt.txt # follow = hacker-news-newest https://feeds.twtxt.net/hacker-news-newest/twtxt.txt # follow = help https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/help/twtxt.txt # follow = jlj https://twt.nfld.uk/user/jlj/twtxt.txt # follow = julizqo https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/julizqo/twtxt.txt # follow = justamoment https://twtxt.net/user/justamoment/twtxt.txt # follow = levprw https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/levprw/twtxt.txt # follow = lobste_rs https://feeds.twtxt.net/lobste_rs/twtxt.txt # follow = logout http://i-logout.cz/twtxt.txt # follow = lwn-net https://feeds.twtxt.net/lwn-net/twtxt.txt # follow = lyse https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt # follow = marado https://twtxt.net/user/marado/twtxt.txt # follow = mckinley https://twtxt.net/user/mckinley/twtxt.txt # follow = meff https://yarn.meff.me/user/meff/twtxt.txt # follow = movq https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt # follow = news https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/news/twtxt.txt # follow = nilfm https://nilfm.cc/twtxt.txt # follow = novaburst https://twt.nfld.uk/user/novaburst/twtxt.txt # follow = nwu1dm https://twtxt.net/user/nwu1dm/twtxt.txt # follow = ocdtrekkie https://twtxt.net/user/ocdtrekkie/twtxt.txt # follow = off_grid_living https://twtxt.net/user/off_grid_living/twtxt.txt # follow = other_me https://yarn.andrewjvpowell.com/user/eldersnake/twtxt.txt # follow = prologic https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt # follow = quark https://ferengi.one/twtxt.txt # follow = retrocrash https://twtxt.net/user/retrocrash/twtxt.txt # follow = robpike https://hachyderm.io/users/robpike # follow = serzrkv https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/serzrkv/twtxt.txt # follow = slashdot https://feeds.twtxt.net/slashdot/twtxt.txt # follow = stats https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/stats/twtxt.txt # follow = stigatle https://twtxt.net/user/stigatle/twtxt.txt # follow = stigatle@yarn.stigatle.no https://yarn.stigatle.no/user/stigatle/twtxt.txt # follow = support https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/support/twtxt.txt # follow = svetlgqg https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/svetlgqg/twtxt.txt # follow = the-lunduke-journal-of-technology https://feeds.twtxt.net/the-lunduke-journal-of-technology/twtxt.txt # follow = thecanine https://twtxt.net/user/thecanine/twtxt.txt # follow = tkanos https://twtxt.net/user/tkanos/twtxt.txt # follow = twtxt https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/twtxt/twtxt.txt # follow = ullarah https://txt.quisquiliae.com/user/ullarah/twtxt.txt # follow = unexplained_mysteries https://feeds.twtxt.net/unexplained_mysteries/twtxt.txt # follow = viktoriezo https://we.loveprivacy.club/user/viktoriezo/twtxt.txt # follow = xandkar https://xandkar.net/twtxt.txt # follow = xkcd https://feeds.twtxt.net/xkcd/twtxt.txt # follow = xuu https://txt.sour.is/user/xuu/twtxt.txt 2021-10-09T00:31:46+11:00 Hello world! 😁 2021-10-09T19:03:51+11:00 (#5y7vdha) @ At least, it doesn't seem to be another Chrome/Chromium clone! 2021-10-09T20:00:00+11:00 (#xzy5xwq) @ Now that's interesting. Without reading the header properly, I assumed it was regular old CDE... but nope, it's a modern take on it! 2021-10-09T22:56:02+11:00 [Trying Librewolf](https://we.loveprivacy.club/blog/eldersnake/2021/10/09/trying-librewolf) 2021-10-11T08:51:06+11:00 (#jgi4ypa) I like it! Less work to refactor, I'm sure, and also Just Works. As you say, a prompt or something at least is probably all that is needed. 2021-10-11T09:41:32+11:00 (#fazklya) @ Posting 😃 2021-10-11T13:04:07+11:00 @ (#fsy7aja) 

> Yup fucking Apple™ and their shitty Safari browser. 😡 Why does Apple have to keep breaking their own software so badly?! 😱 – Especially user facing software and user experience! geez louise Apple, get a grip! Hire better engineers or fire the lousy product managers you have. Apple the company is broken 😢

Maybe they'll need to migrate it to a Chromium base 🤣 (kidding) 2021-10-11T13:14:14+11:00 (#fsy7aja) @

> Oh nice! 👌 I wish we lived on a nice 90acre property 😆 /cc @kt84 

Granted, my internet infrastructure is a _tad_ limited...

My article on my solar setup gave some insight into that. 2021-10-12T20:41:06+11:00 (#mizqj4a) @ Ah, I don't always see that come up but just gotta hit the "Let Me Read First" button. 2021-10-13T12:59:09+11:00 (#5trsxtq) @ What a shock 🙄 2021-10-15T20:21:41+11:00 Little ashamed to say I only just a few days ago realised that https://feeds.twtxt.net/ was a thing and could be used to make a feed from RSS. With that I was able to make a feed for https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/ . Very cool and handy. 2021-10-15T20:37:06+11:00 (#ewj63aq) I've been to the Feeds page quite a few times, for someone who is not _actually_ legally blind, I sure missed it easily enough 🤣 
I think it's reasonably well laid out too, but admittedly page design is not my forte either. cc @laz @ and anyone else who's been tinkering with designs I guess? 2021-10-15T20:50:42+11:00 @ (#dd3vxja) Sounds like an awesome day and a good way to see a colleague off. Love the Simpsons theme too! 2021-10-15T23:50:32+11:00 (#dd3vxja) @ I would but admittedly I have a rather awful social anxiety with calls and/or video chat. Yet I'm fine in person. Which probably sounds rather backwards I know 🙁 2021-10-16T12:31:35+11:00 (#66uo3sa) Yep updated both my Pods, handy addition. I use to just follow the hashtags back to the original convo but this Root button should be much more intuitive to people. 2021-10-16T12:33:43+11:00 (#66uo3sa) The only thing I'd add, is does the button need to show if the there isn't a root conversation to go back to? Like this current conversation obviously hasn't been forked yet, so the button just essentially reloads the page. If it's easy enough to add in context to the code to hide it maybe when it's an unforked convo? 🤔 2021-10-17T10:32:46+11:00 (#jfnzaca) @ 5? (cheating a little bit 😛) 2021-10-17T20:21:10+11:00 ![](https://we.loveprivacy.club/media/DogkFpNwk6tEhmonG64UhG.mp4) 

Testing video upload (some guy doing a backflip) 2021-10-17T20:41:16+11:00 (#xbglreq) @ Wait what? Your pod as well? Video works on both my pods 🤔 Just not Goryon. EDIT: nevermind, I misread haha. 2021-10-23T23:53:59+11:00 @ woops, had a short outage as the weather has been atrocious and voltage dropped a bit too low. Swapped in a another battery for the night, but the Raspberry Pi had already gone down and obviously something wasn't fully finished writing in `yarnd` cos, well this upon attempted restart of my pod -
`time="2021-10-23T23:47:14+11:00" level=error msg="error creating store" error="unexpected end of JSON input"` 2021-10-23T23:54:28+11:00 (#omlqnva) I'm also a _tinsy_ bit tipsy and probably not thinking well 🤣
I deleted the cache in `./data` already but to no avail. 2021-10-23T23:57:56+11:00 (#omlqnva) On the plus side... I can see the custom 404 works well! 2021-10-24T21:02:40+11:00 Test comment 2021-10-28T09:36:47+11:00 (#4s2q3zq) @ LOL 🤣 2021-11-06T22:49:48+11:00 (#lebb7wa) Yep, that was the problem 🤣 😵 2021-11-08T16:25:36+11:00 Test comment that I'll edit. 
Editing... 2021-11-08T16:26:36+11:00 Another test comment to edit. 

Editing... 2021-11-08T16:55:24+11:00 (#6vglpfa) The only weird thing is this comment that I made at about 4:54ish AEDT, is shown as posted 4.26PM AEDT 🤔 
Edit: This comment is however timestamped fine, so maybe a momentary weirdness on my server/pod.. 2021-11-11T10:48:46+11:00 (#mazwihq) The fourth person lives under a rock 😁 2021-12-24T10:21:43+11:00 (#r6zunpa) Can confirm on my personal pod (the auto generated avatar for @) , but it's not happening on this Pod (We.LovePrivacy.Club). Although this pod is still running 0.9.0@db07211 so may have something to do with it? 🤔 2021-12-25T08:09:44+11:00 (#sd32u4a) @ Merry Christmas mate 😊 2022-01-06T20:20:50+11:00 PSA: my personal pod (yarn.andrewjvpowell.com) will be offline overnight as I've powered off the RPi. Had a couple bad days in terms of weather and the solar voltage is getting a bit on the low side (and I can't be bothered going out and swapping in another battery 🙃). 2022-01-06T20:48:39+11:00 (#ithbxba) @ Yup exactly 😊 2022-01-06T21:26:44+11:00 (#gjc4goq) ![](https://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/and-so-it-begins-gif-6.gif) 2022-01-07T10:55:16+11:00 (#ddxvhoq) @ Very skeptical, for sure. 2022-01-07T22:52:42+11:00 (#6ruzanq) Works 👌

Wondering if the 'twtxt' bot should be called something else though? 🤔 2022-01-21T08:52:24+11:00 Welcome @ to the pod 🥳 2022-01-23T17:08:57+11:00 Welcome @ to my pod 🥳 2022-01-24T16:56:41+11:00 (#c4wsylq) WTF, whyyyyy 🤦 2022-01-27T11:52:15+11:00 My yarn.andrewjvpowell.com Pod will be out for a bit, couple of rather cloudy days so letting the battery recover today 😊 2022-01-27T17:20:33+11:00 (#uyznr6a) @ Yeah, I've had a really good run, going weeks at a time without even having to think about it, but if I happen to get a few cloudy days in succession it can be a bit dicey sometimes! My battery isn't actually in the greatest health and will need to be replaced at some point, but it's fine for now.

@ How do you mean? 🤔 2022-01-28T21:06:04+11:00 @ Hi, welcome to my pod! 🥳 2022-01-29T15:59:55+11:00 @ Hi 😊 Welcome to my pod! 2022-05-19T01:55:17+10:00 Welp, the SD card must be corruption-happy on my RPi, the below quoted Yarn doesn't even show on that pod anymore 😅

> Might be a bit before I can update this Pod, not because of any issue with yarnd, but because, I think, my SD card must be dying in the RPi 🙃
> Getting lots of file corruption errors, the thing can’t even download update archives from apt without them becoming corrupted or incomplete lol. 2022-06-05T13:49:10+10:00 (#h36l74q) @ See you on the other side 😁 2022-07-04T12:16:29+10:00 Still alive, just a lot going on. Until I fix my RPi, using this Pod as my primary. ;) 2022-07-05T13:15:35+10:00 (#6e5zxdq) @ hey mate, I'm okay. Just been busy with work and personal life (and keeping warm lol). I haven't been up to much in cyberspace TBH. But I see Yarn.social keeps getting some nice little touches every time I come on and actually do a `yarnd` update. How's the community kicking along? Haven't seen @ in the latest feeds unless he's going by another name so guessing he's moved onto other ventures. 2022-11-19T19:52:44+11:00 Still alive, just navigating life and relationship stuff.

Also just got Starlink, so my internet is at least vastly improved. Yes I know, making Elon richer... 2022-11-19T20:04:36+11:00 (#bbrkvqa) @ Thanks man, it's all good. Feel a bit guilty I've let my Pods slip in terms of updating. How likely are they to explode if I run a Git pull and rebuild? 😅 2022-11-25T13:08:35+11:00 (#zrbvphq) Pretty sure this is how you get Skynet 2023-01-23T14:16:13+11:00 (#dlbntsa) Yeah, AI this, AI that, it's almost smothering anywhere you go in the tech news world.

It's going to be like the internet in general - has a heap of hype and dreams about how it will make life easier/better in various ways... and then get used and abused by Big Tech to invade our privacy and make society worse. 2023-01-23T17:38:06+11:00 (#oolaz7q) @justamoment I find sometimes I have to open up whatever is guarded by reCaptcha in a barebones Chromium instance. I normally use the Brave browser but I think all the privacy guarding stuff trips up the captcha. I have a lot more luck with captcha solving in stock Chromium.

That said, reCaptcha is the absolute devil! 2023-01-23T20:57:39+11:00 (#uru3v2a) Well to be honest I don't know why it went down 🤣 I mean sure, watching (and using) it more often would help, but the process just died, the server itself has been up the whole time. 2023-01-23T23:38:27+11:00 (#uru3v2a) @ Ahh well admittedly no (that would be too helpful!). I've just always `nohup`'d it manually. So responsible I know :p 2023-01-23T23:40:11+11:00 (#uru3v2a) But yeah now you bring it up I really *should* get it running under a supervisor. 2023-01-24T07:35:19+11:00 (#uru3v2a) @ @ fantastic, thanks guys! 2023-01-24T07:38:07+11:00 (#fh2laiq) @ nice! I'd be pretty chuffed with that result. 2023-01-24T07:40:33+11:00 @ is the Goryon client still in development? I'm using the latest Android apk from your git repo, works fine except it wont open URLs for some reason. 2023-01-24T10:33:12+11:00 (#rcurinq) thought I was following @ , but apparently not. Fixed 😅 2023-01-24T11:05:44+11:00 (#gaapgna) @ huh, I've never heard of that 🤣 2023-01-25T07:53:15+11:00 (#qqhgbdq) excellent 👌 2023-01-26T16:19:29+11:00 (#262bora) You know you've made it once the spam bots start moving in 😅 2023-01-26T17:52:14+11:00 Okay so I have no clue about Rust nor am I a very proficient programmer, but surely this is even more of a joke than[ this repo](https://github.com/mTvare6/hello-world.rs) portrays it to be? It can't actually be this ridiculous to make a `hello world` in Rust surely 😅 2023-01-26T20:03:32+11:00 (#4jsfxfa) @ LOL, well that is *much* more reasonable 😄

But yeah @, I am finally just starting to learn Go actually. It's surprised me, from what I've seen, how simple some things can be on the web development side. For example something like the Gin web framework ([example](https://gin-gonic.com/docs/examples/html-rendering/)), things are happening in less boilerplate than often what I've seen in PHP frameworks etc which I didn't expect. 2023-01-28T08:50:40+11:00 (#2rdzq6q) ffs Putin, give it up 🤦 2023-01-28T09:18:08+11:00 How very true...
https://manuelmoreale.com/a-less-artificial-future 2023-01-28T20:06:21+11:00 (#qcg3nuq) Those little Apple keyboards *look* like they should snap under a typical dev's typing workload but they never seem to 😅 2023-01-28T21:02:01+11:00 Heh: https://www.andrewjvpowell.com/articles/this-site-is-no-longer-solar-powered-for-now/ 2023-01-28T21:16:46+11:00 (#qcg3nuq) @ oh yeah they are surprisingly comfy 2023-01-28T23:13:12+11:00 (#v4bk7oa) @ Bet there's some interesting psychology at play there 2023-01-29T01:28:51+11:00 (#xwc6jeq) @ Yeah *hopefully*, though as @ says, seems almost inevitable these days. :/ 2023-01-30T21:36:49+11:00 (#dhhickq) @ what do you dislike about SQL, just out of curiosity? Just personal preference or more architectural reason? 2023-01-31T08:17:50+11:00 Holy shit Goroutines are awesome 2023-01-31T14:11:08+11:00 (#x7b3vsa) @ is that like some sort of pagination? 2023-01-31T14:21:18+11:00 (#c3pmcpa) @ not me mate, I asked as I was genuinely curious and as someone who only really knows SQL as far as databases go, I keep wondering what life is like on the NoSQL side of the fence 😅 2023-02-02T09:37:10+11:00 (#6mdvn3q) @ US recession I assume 2023-02-03T18:14:28+11:00 (#hc2vrba) Yeah the word 'decentralized' is sure being a bit bastardized lately... 2023-02-04T10:11:33+11:00 (#hysqlbq) Sure they were, Netflix. Personally I think they did it deliberately to test the waters and see just how much backlash they'd get. 2023-02-05T08:03:05+11:00 It's easy to forget during my hiatuses how well yarn works for a news feed. Its nice browsing my timeline and getting news bits and pieces without any algorithm or corporation pushing it at me. 2023-02-05T08:21:32+11:00 (#o4stj3a) I mean, this was always going to be a problem 2023-02-05T12:04:03+11:00 (#kthy2ya) Isn't the beauty of this whole yarn thing that you can just mute or just not follow someone? Then you'll never see stuff you don't want to.

I too am against over moderating, and it can be a slippery slope. On many other platforms I can see why it might be needed because of the way that stuff automatically propagates and is so discoverable or even pushed by an algorithm, but on a place like here... So easy to just tune out. 2023-02-05T19:30:41+11:00 @ Hey mate, I see your pod is running 'Edge' and mine is running the origin/main branch which is 0.15.1 (so it says), but it's the same commit (ccf42403) so what is the difference 🤔 2023-02-05T19:57:14+11:00 Gotcha! Makes sense. I think also what made me wonder is your pod has those filters at the top, whereas mine doesn't, unless I'm missing a setting?
 ![](https://we.loveprivacy.club/media/4ENMZ5Qx5kPkpW9tVXKx9X.png) 2023-02-05T19:58:09+11:00 (#5jgayba) @ thought I replied to you directly but apparently not.. 2023-02-05T19:59:39+11:00 (#zucszuq) >kind of glad you upda semi-frequently, because it means there are more people testing the latest changes 🙇‍♂️

And yeah, when I'm actually active I like to keep it updated pretty much up to the last commit, I'm a sucker for running cutting edge haha 2023-02-05T20:38:01+11:00 (#5jgayba) >@eldersnake@yarn.andrewjvpowell.com Thays behind a feature flag at the moment. lists_and_filtets

Thank you 🤗 forgot about the feature flags 2023-02-05T21:17:20+11:00 (#5jgayba) @ thanks brother, I found that out when I put in the initial wrong feature flag and the web interface told me it was wrong and suggested the proper one 😅 the system works! 2023-02-06T08:32:46+11:00 (#sntvrfa) Heheh, people always talk about semantic HTML, but more like _pedantic_ HTML amirite?

...I'll show myself out 2023-02-07T14:16:14+11:00 (#wbpn64a) @ always was partial to Winds of Change 2023-02-08T08:27:15+11:00 (#cezqs6q) @ funny you should post that, in my Go learning journey one of the more difficult things for me to grapple with was... Context. I see it everywhere but couldn't quite understand it or liken it to anything else. I've a bit better of an understanding now after watching several videos and it looks like this one you've posted will help even more (just started watching). 👌 2023-02-08T10:26:58+11:00 (#efkbdpa) 2023 - Year of the Layoffs 2023-02-08T10:41:55+11:00 Interesting article, especially in regards to AI: https://ntietz.com/blog/technology-right-to-exist/

>...argument is this: It's impossible to let people opt in/out of ML training on their creative works, so we must allow ML training without such a mechanism. But that presupposes that the ML training should exist.
>That doesn't hold water for me. It seems to me that if you can't avoid a harm with the introduction of a technology, you have to either argue how the benefits of the new technology specifically outweigh the harm and should be allowed, or you have to not create the technology.

> 2023-02-08T14:34:39+11:00 (#efkbdpa) @ yep, that is well said. 2023-02-08T20:46:51+11:00 https://infrequently.org/2023/02/the-market-for-lemons/

>Vendor's random walk through frontend choices may eventually lead them to be right twice a day, but that's not a reason to keep following their lead. No, we need to move our attention back to the folks that have been right all along. The people who never gave up on semantic markup, CSS, and progressive enhancement for most sites. The people who, when slinging JS, have treated it as special occasion food. The tools and communities whose culture puts the user ahead of the developer and hold evidence of doing better for users in the highest regard. 2023-02-08T22:17:44+11:00 (#6kofqia) @ Yep, here's another good one from the same guy: https://infrequently.org/2022/12/performance-baseline-2023/

>To serve users at the 75th percentile (P75) of devices and networks, we can now afford ~150KiB of HTML/CSS/fonts and ~300-350KiB of JavaScript (gzipped). This is a slight improvement on last year's budgets, thanks to device and network improvements. Meanwhile, sites continue to send more script than is reasonable for 80+% of the world's users, widening the gap between the haves and the have-nots. This is an ethical crisis for frontend. 2023-02-09T09:26:20+11:00 (#3eimspq) @ well that's a whole lot of eww 2023-02-09T09:44:02+11:00 (#6kofqia) @ compared to a lot of modern sites that seems pretty darn slim haha. Most of the size seems to be the avatar(s) anyway. 2023-02-09T11:53:21+11:00 (#tvu2tba) @ ha! 2023-02-09T17:25:44+11:00 (#tvu2tba) (#tvu2tba) @ Reckon he's just getting ahead of the game, if that's the flag they're proposing for the feature to turn it off. 2023-02-09T17:28:20+11:00 (#xdl4lyq) @ Now if the same thing could happen to TikTok, the younger generation might recover a few IQ points. 2023-02-09T23:00:03+11:00 (#zscppoa) Whelp, time to update 😅 2023-02-10T10:49:22+11:00 (#al5tnyq) Looks like the discussion isn't going well for Russ 😆 2023-02-10T18:23:38+11:00 (#yyzjgea) @ , think I just found my first spammer 🙃 2023-02-10T20:43:56+11:00 (#yyzjgea) @ Maybe, but even those particular posts weren't posted within a second or two of each other. I can imagine there's people who might legitimately post 2 or 3 times within a minute, so it's a tough one. I mean yeah regardless, in this particular case is obviously a spammer 😆 2023-02-10T22:07:56+11:00 (#yyzjgea) @ What about a rate-limit on postings just for a brand new account? Sort of like a cool down period, just for a time immediately following registration to foil the spambots. Although... then it's harder to spot the bots on the server 🤨 2023-02-10T23:27:17+11:00 (#wutoayq) Maybe I'm jumping from a mole hill to a mountain here, but if it all gets bad enough, might we see some collective community group of anti-Googlers fork Golang? 2023-02-11T21:27:16+11:00 (#fjtdvda) @ Sorry about your recent injury! Hope it heals up quick. 2023-02-13T14:13:39+11:00 Can't believe I've somehow not been using `tmux` for the last couple of years. Bloody useful! Especially when going between computers. `ssh` in, `tmux attach`, and there's the whole session. 2023-02-13T18:09:39+11:00 (#zmcotpa) @ Nice 👍 Will have to check Mosh out. 2023-02-14T07:35:00+11:00 (#kudjncq) @ welcome back! 2023-02-16T14:00:00+11:00 (#gwkwpna) That was a funny read, not gonna lie 😅 2023-02-19T12:54:53+11:00 (#6y5bpsq) @ is there an echo in here 😅 2023-02-21T18:49:42+11:00 TIL: that the `