In-reply-to » @prologic See, it looks it has an web app.

Interesting, it looks a little better for me, but it’s a bit slow and laggy.

I’ve tried to stay away from hosting email servers myself. It’s really hard. But I’ve thought about a project which uses something like mailgun or SES, but then I create a ui and restful server over the top of it. But, priorities….

screenshot of sogo

screenshot of sogo

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Exactly 10 years ago Kokori’s first release on vinyl was out - and we celebrated with a release party in one of the afternoons of the Entremuralhas festival.
Ten years later, we’re back attending the festival, and this time we see one of the stands selling our latest release, rootkit, on CD! ♡



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I hate reading translations. Here’s an example why: the same passage of the English and the Portuguese translation of the same (French) book. Not just the length of the passage shows one of the translations wasn’t faithful, the behavior of the character in one version is the opposite than how he behaves on the other version…



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