In-reply-to » @dfaria Sorry this has pissed you off so much (unintentional) -- Also why the irrational outburst?! 😱 That's no way to have discourse or help improve anything 🤦‍♂️ I guess all I can do is unblock the domain and sit down and rethink the “Discover” view’s design and behavior? hmmm 🧐 Alternatively, build a new yarnd 2.0? as a single-user pod only?

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In-reply-to » I think multi-user pods were a mistake. now, the mention of multiuser pods brought an idea. What if you design, and code, single user pods that are extremely lean (extremely low processor, memory, and storage footprint), and brutally minimalist?

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In-reply-to » @dfaria Sorry this has pissed you off so much (unintentional) -- Also why the irrational outburst?! 😱 That's no way to have discourse or help improve anything 🤦‍♂️ “let it go, Indiana”. Evidently Assistant Professor Faria can’t—or doesn’t want to—engage in civil discourse. Using Her Majesty’s proper: fuck it!

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In-reply-to » Been clearing out my pod a bit and blocking unwanted domains that are basically either a) just noise and/or b) are just 1-way (whose authors never reply or are otherwise unaware of the larger ecosystem) Sorry this has pissed you off so much (unintentional) – Also why the irrational outburst?! 😱 That’s no way to have discourse or help improve anything 🤦‍♂️

If you have ideas for improvement we’re all ears 👂

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In-reply-to » Been clearing out my pod a bit and blocking unwanted domains that are basically either a) just noise and/or b) are just 1-way (whose authors never reply or are otherwise unaware of the larger ecosystem) Cancelling is a strong word. I’d you follow your other feed yourself it’s still visible to you!

This whole exercise just reenforces that the idea of the “Discover” view was and is a terrible idea. 😢

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In-reply-to » Me feed just rolled over. Let’s see if something breaks. 😂

Well, there was one subtle bug: jenny did not fetch archived twts from your own feed (only from other people). I just happened to wipe all twts/cache from my disk, so I noticed that all my old stuff was missing. It’s a corner case, but it’ll be fixed in the next release.

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In-reply-to » Gentoo bands use of “AI” tools Gentoo, the venerable Linux distribution which in my headcanon I describe as ‘classy’, has banned any use of “AI”. A proposal by Gentoo Council member Michał Górny from February of this year banning it use has been unanimously accepted by the Gentoo Council. The new policy reads: It is expressly forbidden to contribute to Gentoo any content that has been created with the assistance of Natural Language Processing artificial intelligence tools. This motion can be revisited, ... ⌘ Read more

We’ll have to see how this policy will be implemented, but I like that Gentoo is willing to take a stand.

Me too😅

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Gentoo bands use of “AI” tools
Gentoo, the venerable Linux distribution which in my headcanon I describe as ‘classy’, has banned any use of “AI”. A proposal by Gentoo Council member Michał Górny from February of this year banning it use has been unanimously accepted by the Gentoo Council. The new policy reads: It is expressly forbidden to contribute to Gentoo any content that has been created with the assistance of Natural Language Processing artificial intelligence tools. This motion can be revisited, … ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » After a nearby lightning strike one of my screens turned off for a second. That was the signal to call it quits today. I can’t think of a single one. Pretty lucky so far. Holy cow, congrats on that title. I do have plugged in the more important equipment in a power strip with surge protection. The weird thing was, that only one of the monitors went black for a second. The other one (both are behind surge protection) remained operational the entire time. Maybe EMP? It was closer to the window than the other one.

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In-reply-to » X11’s WM_NORMAL_HINTS property is a property that can be set on a window. Part of that property is width_inc and height_inc. They tell the window manager to only increase/decrease a window’s size by certain steps.

I don’t know why or how, but using gtk_window_set_geometry_hints() has the desired effect (now?). Reading GTK’s source code is too convoluted to find out what’s going on here. I can’t find a corresponding Wayland protocol.

Sway gets very slow when resizing such a window, so I’m a bit inclined to think that GTK does some weird trickery to get this to work. 🤔

Either way, xiate now sets geometry hints again and floating windows have the correct size now. Finally.

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