After the behaviour of a clearly very angry feed author over the past few days, I’m very tempted to give up on Twtxt and allow it to go back to being dead. What really is the point of building and supporting a way to exchange little pieces of text with one another in a completely decentralised way, if you’re just going to keep humping up against such hostility? I don’t know why I do this anymore. I think we’ve done that here right? 🤔 we seem to have collectively formed a community of folks that are interested in interacting with one another in a completely decentralized way and minimal way.
I just find a very frustrating when you have these very small number of people that lash out unnecessarily and get so angry over nothing.
the test would be: how often does unwanted content get pushed on your feed? do incongruent posters easily disrupt harmonious connections? &c. less about the community, more about how the social dynamics play out as various groups and individuals interact.