For Example:
I like the cleaness and indiewebness of using just domains for handles/shorthands similar to blusky, but the situations with more users on the same domain and that people in the fediverse (threads too?) are already familiar with the syntax speaks for webfinger. And since we already got support for webfinger in both yarnd and timeline it makes sense to stick with it. I personally would like to see us standardize on the use of webfinger for sure 👍 Well I just mirrored yarnd’s JSON in my webfinger endpoint and lookup, so not much else to do for standardization.
And for people who don’t like PHP you can always just go with Added WebFinger support to my email address using one rewrite rule and one static file. or simply putting a static JSON in place for .well-know/webfinger maybe you meant to specify twtxt as a type similar to ActivityPub’s application/activity+json
"rel": "self",
"type": "application/activity+json",
"href": ""
Then it would also make sense to define a Link Relations but should that then link to something like
where we can describe the spec? This all makes sense, yes 🙌
I’ve started a draft over at: Sweet! 😅