
Recent twts in reply to #7q5b5na

@prologic@twtxt.net I do think the post about how to setup jenny + mutt over on the uninformativ.de blog is still a great post. I used that post to see the steps to set it up and it works fine. Though I can write some blog post with some more documentation for things like auto publishing. The big issue with plain twtxt is that I would have not seen your post unless I looked on twtxt.net when I was looking at yarn a little bit more. Twtxt does overcome the issue by introducing the registry but I can’t figure out any way to use them for Jenny and almost no one uses them in the first place. So I can’t see anyones replies or mentions unless I am following them. Yarn does overcome the issue by friends of friends as you would know as the creator of yarn.

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@prologic@twtxt.net Hmm, I’m not sure. Do we/you really want to maintain docs at Yarn.social about other clients? Follow their development and update our guides accordingly? 😅 I think the current solution is better: Have a list of clients and link to their documentation.

(Or maybe I still didn’t understand. 😅 Sorry!)

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