i upgraded my pc from lubuntu 22.04 to 24.04 yesterday and i was like “surely there is no way this will go smoothly” but no it somehow did. like i didn’t take a backup i just said fuck it and upgraded and it WORKED?!?! i mean i had some driver issues but it wasn’t too bad to fix. wild
Ahh yes, what I like to call “wild wild west” upgrading.😂
Felt like that when I upgraded/updated an Arch Linux machine that had been sitting for a couple years unused.
@eldersnake Years?! 😂
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz Glad to hear that. 😃 We run about a thousand Ubuntu installations on servers and updates are usually smooth sailing.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de yeah i get so nervous doing version upgrades, this is technically my first time not doing it as a fresh install from a live USB, so i’m glad this went smoothly lol. scared to try it for my servers though!
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz Do you use a config management system like Ansible or BundleWrap on your servers? (bw is our in-house solution, we started it around the same time as Ansible.)