There is a bug in yarnd that’s been around for awhile and is still present in the current version I’m running that lets a person hit a constructed URL like


and see a legitimate-looking page on YOUR_POD, with an HTTP code 200 (success). From that fake page you can even follow an external feed. Try it yourself, replacing “YOUR_POD” with the URL of any yarnd pod you know. Try following the feed.

I think URLs like this should return errors. They should not render HTML, nor produce legitimate-looking pages. This mechanism is ripe for DDoS attacks. My pod gets roughly 70,000 hits per day to URLs like this. Many are porn or other types of content I do not want. At this point, if it’s not fixed soon I am going to have to shut down my pod. please have a look.

⤋ Read More I partially agree with bender on this one I think. The way this person is abusing the /external endpoint on my pod seems to be to generate legitimate-looking HTML content for external sites, using a username that does not exist on my pod. One “semantically correct” thing to do would be to error out if that username does not exist on the pod. It’s not unlike having a mail server configured as an open relay at this point.

It would also be very helpful to give the pod administrator control over what’s being fetched this way. I don’t want people using my pod to redirect porn sites or whatever. If I could have something as simple as the ability to blacklist URLs that’d already help.

⤋ Read More I believe you are not seeing the problem I am describing.

Hit this URL in your web browser:

That’s your pod. I assume you don’t have a user named lovetocode999 on your pod. Yet that URL returns HTTP status 200, and generates HTML, complete with a link to, which is not a twtxt feed (that’s where the twtxt.txt link goes if you click it). That link could be to anything, including porn, criminal stuff, etc, and it will appear to be coming from your domain.

What I am saying is that this is a bug. If there is no user lovetocode999 on the pod, hitting this URL should not return HTTP 200 status, and it should definitely not be generating valid HTML with links in it.

Edit: Oops, I misunderstood the purpose of this /external endpoint. Still, since the uri is not a yarn pod, let alone one with a user named lovetocode999 on it, I stand by the belief that URLs like this should be be generating valid HTML with links to unknown sites. Shouldn’t it be possible to construct a valid target URL from the nick and uri instead of using the pod’s /external endpoint?

⤋ Read More This does not seem to fix the problem for me, or I’ve done something wrong. I did the following:

  1. Pull the latest version from git (I have commit 7ad848, same as on I believe).
  2. make build and make install
  3. Restart yarnd
  4. Refresh cache in Poderator Settings

Yet I still see these bogus /external things on my pod when I hit URLs like the one I sent you recently. When I hit such a URL with curl I think it’s giving an error? But in a web browser, the (buggy) response is the same as it was before I updated.

So, this problem is not fixed for me.

⤋ Read More Here’s a log entry:

Aug 27 15:59:43 buc yarnd[1200580]: [yarnd] 2024/08/27 15:59:43 (IP_REDACTED) "GET /external?nick=lovetocode999&uri=https://URL_REDACTED HTTP/1.1" 200 35442 14.554763ms

HTTP 200 status, not 404.

⤋ Read More What? I compiled, updated, and restarted. If you check what my pod reports, it gives that 7a… SHA. I don’t know what that other screenshot is showing but it seems to be out of date. That was the SHA I was running before this update.

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A stopgap setting that would let me stop all calls to /external matching a particular pattern (like this damn lovetocode999 nick) would do the job. Given the potential for abuse of that endpoint, having more moderation control over what it can do is probably a good idea.

⤋ Read More


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