
Recent twts in reply to #lxe2kdq

@carsten@yarn.zn80.net i don’t think it’s clear if he quit fediverse or not. but it’s comical that he has to mention neo-nazis. i’ve been in and out of the fediverse since the beginning and the % of neo-nazis is small. there’s 1-2 extremely shithole instances harboring them, but most instances have defederated them. but then again anyone the radical left doesn’t like is a default neo-nazi.

@novaburst@twt.nfld.uk you’ve mentioned this before. are you still plugged into an instance?

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@carsten@yarn.zn80.net an afterthought. it reminds me of people saying “guns are dangerous”. they are not dangerous by themselves. it takes a human who is dangerous to make them so. social media platforms count on the weakness in human beings and their ability to be weaponized rather easily.

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@prologic@twtxt.net @carsten@yarn.zn80.net

this is wise carsten. one way communication can really help tune out the noise.

also ive seen a lot of conspiracy theorists. but that’s the internet. happens on all platforms. so many people these days can’t think for themselves. they become slaves to delusion and consensus bias.

the plague and countless other trigger points have encouraged a global war amongst humans. most don’t know what they’re angry about anymore.

they’re desperate to be heard, get attention, and seek a neurotic level of approval from their networks.

at one point we as a species had integrity. now we’ll whore out for a like.

really strange world we live in.

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@abucci@anthony.buc.ci not sure what part of the us you live in. but when antifa starts destroying property that is not theirs to destroy or people are cancelled because they have a viewpoint or opinion the mob doesn’t agree with that’s just as fucked as the people they claim are nazis.

send me the list of hundreds of nazi instances, would you? ill see if I can compile this against a list of known instances across the fediverse and visualize it. ill even write it in go.

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