Gemini/Gopher Twtxt feeds account for less than 1% in existence:

$ total=$(inspect-db yarns.db | jq -r '.Value.URL' | awk -F'//' '{if ($1 ~ /^https?/) print "http/https:"; else print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum}'); inspect-db yarns.db | jq -r '.Value.URL' | awk -F'//' '{if ($1 ~ /^https?/) print "http/https:"; else print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | awk -v total="$total" '{printf "%d %s %.2f%%\n", $1, $2, ($1/total)*100}' | sort -r
7 gemini: 0.66%
4 gopher: 0.38%
1046 http/https: 98.96%

⤋ Read More Well as you’ve pointed out in the past, both protocol suffer from Discovery (as I’ve stated as well) and more often than not, users that publish Twtxt feeds over these protocols tend to just “point into the void” and it’s next to impossible to have any kind of “social interaction” (ignoring personal choices of course, if one’s feed is intended for 1-way …)

⤋ Read More does that include mine? otherwise it would make them 8 and 5, maybe even throw off your maths by 0.00001% 😆 … and, come on! 1.04% seems like a good ratio considering how many gopher holes and gem capsules compared to how many Web servers out there in the world 😂

⤋ Read More It sadly does not it seems. 🤣 Seems like the search engine has come across mentions of your feed via its other two protocols 🤣

$ inspect-db yarns.db | jq -r '.Value.URL' | grep ''

⤋ Read More


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