πŸ“£ NEW: Just a small quick update on recent additions, improvements and fixes to Yarn.social’s backend yarnd:

* 4e13d564 2022-10-25 | Add Sync API and sync sub-command for yarnc for syncing a local feed to a Yarn.social pod (#1033) [James Mills]
* 683b65e1 2022-10-25 | Add an improved version of the Settings view with Tabs (#1032) [James Mills]
* 0e887ba1 2022-10-25 | Add /api/v1/whoami endpoint that exposes the Username of the logged in user (#1028) [James Mills]
* 3c4c479b 2022-10-25 | Add Pod Logo resource endpoint and update Info resource to include link (#1029) [James Mills]
* e7a11b8a 2022-10-25 | Add a little Javascript (optional of course) to support Drag 'n Drop to Upload files/media (#1031) [James Mills]
* 7def6d88 2022-10-25 | Fix missing aria-busy css (#1030) (pod) [James Mills]

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