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Recent twts from lyse

Damn it! My camera battery didn’t charge, so all the nice deer and tad pole in a puddle imagery did not work out. :-( I saw two pairs of ears showing in the grass. Suddenly, three deer took off. One went straight into the strip of trees nearby and back behind me into the woods. The other two ran more into the meadow and then alongside the path I was taking. They unexpectedly overtook me and crossed in front of me to the other pasture. Then they headed back into the forest like rockets. Holy cow, they were super fast. Really amazing to watch. Battery flattended after the second of video I recorded in the beginning.


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Went out in the cold and noticed that taking photos half an hour on top of the drafty summit is not the very best idea. Not suprising that I freeze if there is snow. Gloves would have been actually great, I only wore my beanie. But it was a very good afternoon and evening. Looking at the snowmen, there must have been heaps of snow on the ground earlier this day.

I came across several different birds and two deer. 36-38 shows the same one, one meadow further, another deer jumped across the road. That was cool.

The focus often wanted to do its own thing, unfortunately. 25 shows the flatness of the Kaiserbergsteige (literally “Emperor Mountain Steep Road”).


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