

I am Awesome! https://key.sour.is/id/me@sour.is

Recent twts from xuu
In-reply-to » he emailed my ISP about causing logging abuse. This is the only real ISP in my area, its gonna basically send me back to dialup.

its not remote… though its on a mountain side where the land grants allowed monopolies to occur. Pretty wild that it happened but only specific vendors have utility right of ways. Its been in litigation with the city for years.

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In-reply-to » he emailed my ISP about causing logging abuse. This is the only real ISP in my area, its gonna basically send me back to dialup.

@bender@twtxt.net haha funny! though i just realized my ISP is the only one with fiber pulled to the property so i would have to get a phone line from them some how. The other ISP in the area is basically a mobile hotspot.

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In-reply-to » @abucci / @abucci Any interesting errors pop up in the server logs since the the flaw got fixed (unbounded receieveFile())? 🤔

We received the abuse report below regarding network abuse from the IP address indicated.
On researching I see that HTTPS (tcp 443) traffic is continuing and originating from you NAT IP address 100.64.x.x
This was further found to be originating from your firewall/router at 192.168.x.x (MAC D8:58:D7:x:x:x).
This abuse is continuing and constitues a violation of [ISP] Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Service.
Please take action to identify the source of the abuse and prevent it from continuing.
Failure to stop the abuse may result in suspension or cancellation of service.

Thank you,

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In-reply-to » @abucci / @abucci Any interesting errors pop up in the server logs since the the flaw got fixed (unbounded receieveFile())? 🤔

he emailed my ISP about causing logging abuse. This is the only real ISP in my area, its gonna basically send me back to dialup.

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In-reply-to » Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines - YouTube -- This is a really good accurate and comical take on what happened with this whole Crowdstrike global fuck up.

i imagine this is the agreement that the lower plebs are stuck in. Larger enterprise accounts wont fall under these agreements. When I worked a hospital we would get agreements like this with contracts and the legal would line out things like this add new language and send them back.

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In-reply-to » @xuu I have a theory as to why your pod was misbehaving too. I think because of the way you were building it docker build without any --build-arg VERSION= or --build-arg COMMIT= there was no version information in the built binary and bundled assets. Therefore cache busting would not work as expected. When introducing htmx and hyperscript to create a UI/UX SPA-like experience, this is when things fell apart a bit for you. I think....

@prologic@twtxt.net Yeah that is probably what was happening. I wish that go build could embed the values that go install does.

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In-reply-to » Microsoft Outage Hits Users Worldwide, Leading To Canceled Flights Microsoft grappled with a major service outage, leaving users across the world unable to access its cloud computing platforms and causing airlines to cancel flights. From a report: Thousands of users across the world reported problems with Microsoft 365 apps and services to Downdetector.com, a website that tracks service disruptions. "We're inve ... ⌘ Read more

I havnt seen any emails about the outage at work. I know i have the mac crowdstrike client though. My buddy that works at a hospital says they wernt affected.

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In-reply-to » @prologic Hmm, yeah, hmm, I’m not sure. 😅 It all appears very subjective to me. Is 2k lines of code a lot or not?

I feel like complexity is measured differently at different levels of a project..

  • at the function level you use cyclomatic complexity or how many branches internally and how much you need to keep in mind as it calls out to other functions.
  • at a file/module level is a balance of the module doing too much against being so granular that you have cross dependency across modules. I have trouble with keeping things dry at this level because it can lead to parts being so abstract or generalized that it adds complexity.
  • at a project level i suppose its a matter of how coupled things are across sub-modules.

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In-reply-to » By the way, @xuu, it looks like you're running an old, buggy version of yarnd, that duplicates twts in the feed on edit.

So updated. Seems to duplicate here in the ui. And what is this “Read More” on every twt now?

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In-reply-to » The 26°C humidity was through the roof and we just barely escaped the thunderstorm on our stroll. Only the adjacent rain hit us hard. Black clouds caught up on us and we decided to take cover at a barn. Not even a minute later it started to rain cats and dogs for ten minutes straight. Holy crap, that was cool to watch. :-) Also, the smell of rain was just beautiful.

Here has been north of 38C all week. Its pretty ick. I would love a bit of rain to cool down.

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In-reply-to » The 26°C humidity was through the roof and we just barely escaped the thunderstorm on our stroll. Only the adjacent rain hit us hard. Black clouds caught up on us and we decided to take cover at a barn. Not even a minute later it started to rain cats and dogs for ten minutes straight. Holy crap, that was cool to watch. :-) Also, the smell of rain was just beautiful.

Here has been north of 38C all week. Its pretty ick. I would love a bit of rain to cool down.

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