In-reply-to » Been clearing out my pod a bit and blocking unwanted domains that are basically either a) just noise and/or b) are just 1-way (whose authors never reply or are otherwise unaware of the larger ecosystem) Appreciate this 👌 Right now the algorithm is quite dumb – and I’d also hate to develop any algorithm that abuses any data from users. So definately needs to be things like:

  • one post per day per domain
  • or latest post per domain


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In-reply-to » Been clearing out my pod a bit and blocking unwanted domains that are basically either a) just noise and/or b) are just 1-way (whose authors never reply or are otherwise unaware of the larger ecosystem) Thanks for your positivity and support ! 🤗 This is exaxrly spot on, however I also realize getting things “right” is actually quite hard 😅

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In-reply-to » Executing all tests of the online registrations I'm building for the scouts takes now 70 seconds. Initializing a new SQLite database in RAM and creating all the tables for each test case sums up and takes its time. During development cycles I more often resort to the -run flag for go test to specify only one area of tests to be executed. Much more fun this way to quickly go back to writing code. How much emphasis do you place on test coverage?

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In-reply-to » @bender You don't know me and you're already making arbitrary judgments about me. I only got upset because they didn't warn me that they were going to block my domain. Nobody likes being canceled without warning. There were other civilized ways of letting me know that there was a problem with my domain instead of blocking it unilaterally. Bye-bye!

To be fair cleaning up “noise” is quite hard to do. Obciously all the 1-way Mastodon feeds were easy because there’s just no way to interact with them!

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Executing all tests of the online registrations I’m building for the scouts takes now 70 seconds. Initializing a new SQLite database in RAM and creating all the tables for each test case sums up and takes its time. During development cycles I more often resort to the -run flag for go test to specify only one area of tests to be executed. Much more fun this way to quickly go back to writing code.

At least the service layer line coverage is a whopping 99.5%, branch coverage is 93.3% (the latter could still be bumped slightly). However, only 17.6% lines of the web layer are covered (I definitely should increase this by a lot). This still good test base, if I say so myself, came in extremely handy a lot of times when refactoring stuff. Esp. the service layer changed, web not so much. It slows development down quite a lot, that’s for sure. I reckon it’s easily five to ten times more effort to come up with useful tests than writing productive code, probably even more. I’m bad at guessing. But the confidence of not breaking stuff is sooo much more valuable. The tests certainly paid off in the past, zero doubt about that.

It takes a lot of discipline to first write all the tests in the service layer before doing the web stuff and finally see it in action and play around. It’s funny that I always have to force myself to do so, but in the end, I’m always happy to have done it exactly like that. It once again worked out very smoothely that way. But something inside me wants to fast forward. I wonder if that irrational part eventually fades away.

Having a code coverage report does make a night a day difference. It actually turns writing tests into a fun game for me. The older I get, the more I do enjoy writing tests. Rest assured, producing productive code is still cooler. :-)

I’m also sooo happy about vim-go. I can’t believe how much that sped up and boosted my development process.

Whoops, 57 minutes later, this message turned out much more elaborated that I initially envisioned. Oh well. ;-)

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In-reply-to » @dfaria Sorry this has pissed you off so much (unintentional) -- Also why the irrational outburst?! 😱 That's no way to have discourse or help improve anything 🤦‍♂️ You don’t know me and you’re already making arbitrary judgments about me. I only got upset because they didn’t warn me that they were going to block my domain. Nobody likes being canceled without warning. There were other civilized ways of letting me know that there was a problem with my domain instead of blocking it unilaterally. Bye-bye!

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In-reply-to » @dfaria Sorry this has pissed you off so much (unintentional) -- Also why the irrational outburst?! 😱 That's no way to have discourse or help improve anything 🤦‍♂️ I guess all I can do is unblock the domain and sit down and rethink the “Discover” view’s design and behavior? hmmm 🧐 Alternatively, build a new yarnd 2.0? as a single-user pod only?

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In-reply-to » I think multi-user pods were a mistake. now, the mention of multiuser pods brought an idea. What if you design, and code, single user pods that are extremely lean (extremely low processor, memory, and storage footprint), and brutally minimalist?

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In-reply-to » @dfaria Sorry this has pissed you off so much (unintentional) -- Also why the irrational outburst?! 😱 That's no way to have discourse or help improve anything 🤦‍♂️ “let it go, Indiana”. Evidently Assistant Professor Faria can’t—or doesn’t want to—engage in civil discourse. Using Her Majesty’s proper: fuck it!

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In-reply-to » Been clearing out my pod a bit and blocking unwanted domains that are basically either a) just noise and/or b) are just 1-way (whose authors never reply or are otherwise unaware of the larger ecosystem) Sorry this has pissed you off so much (unintentional) – Also why the irrational outburst?! 😱 That’s no way to have discourse or help improve anything 🤦‍♂️

If you have ideas for improvement we’re all ears 👂

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In-reply-to » Been clearing out my pod a bit and blocking unwanted domains that are basically either a) just noise and/or b) are just 1-way (whose authors never reply or are otherwise unaware of the larger ecosystem) Cancelling is a strong word. I’d you follow your other feed yourself it’s still visible to you!

This whole exercise just reenforces that the idea of the “Discover” view was and is a terrible idea. 😢

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In-reply-to » Me feed just rolled over. Let’s see if something breaks. 😂

Well, there was one subtle bug: jenny did not fetch archived twts from your own feed (only from other people). I just happened to wipe all twts/cache from my disk, so I noticed that all my old stuff was missing. It’s a corner case, but it’ll be fixed in the next release.

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In-reply-to » Gentoo bands use of “AI” tools Gentoo, the venerable Linux distribution which in my headcanon I describe as ‘classy’, has banned any use of “AI”. A proposal by Gentoo Council member Michał Górny from February of this year banning it use has been unanimously accepted by the Gentoo Council. The new policy reads: It is expressly forbidden to contribute to Gentoo any content that has been created with the assistance of Natural Language Processing artificial intelligence tools. This motion can be revisited, ... ⌘ Read more

We’ll have to see how this policy will be implemented, but I like that Gentoo is willing to take a stand.

Me too😅

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Gentoo bands use of “AI” tools
Gentoo, the venerable Linux distribution which in my headcanon I describe as ‘classy’, has banned any use of “AI”. A proposal by Gentoo Council member Michał Górny from February of this year banning it use has been unanimously accepted by the Gentoo Council. The new policy reads: It is expressly forbidden to contribute to Gentoo any content that has been created with the assistance of Natural Language Processing artificial intelligence tools. This motion can be revisited, … ⌘ Read more

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