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Recent twts from chunkimo I seen you post about pondering whether it was worth it to build yarn, as apparently you one of if not the main guy for that, sweet, but you cannot have internet, anywhere on it, without some chaos. Just know people love what you did. Hopefully that’s enough to keep ya going. Also when can we get a python version of this web app happening? Or PHP? I’m not powerful enough to convert golang app to something more adoptable, but perhaps this is an option for expanding the lawn or network to make easier get what you want?

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Some guys were trolling me today, it was kinda funny after all I realized they were actually trolling me. Saying “your TLS is not working, and I get a 404 when I visit your site”, etc, LoL they were just messin with me. But I must say I have a bit ago started to really dislike certbot. If it fails to renew a cert it becomes a failed systemd service and screws up my other certificates and services. Glad I learned how to fix that. Is acme any better? I’ve used it but once on openbsd…. #certbot #trolls #tls

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Hi everybody! So I re-upped my sub on my domain which is my blog. It’s a bashblog and I’ve had some cool ideas about it. Namely my python rewrite of it called pyblog. My objective is to enjoy the rewrite and make it easier to template while the bashblog code is a single .sh script the pyblog is supposed to actually do the same job, but remove the painstaking effort required to read through the bash code (as you know bash scripts in length are hard to read) and add/remove and change your template files AND have bashblog re-render your site CORRECTLY. Which it is not reliable doing. I’m going to work on it now ^^

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In-reply-to » I have to confess in yarn now. I have a chronic addiction to web applications. More addictions are sprouting up over time and I shall reap further crippling addictions such as python modules, APIs, bindings, repos, deployment schematics, automation scripts, hexdumps, pcaps, ethernet plugs, the list goes on, I am done guys. It's all over now I have realized the weight of my addiction. God save my happy soul. well the grass is greener on this side, if I can ever get to it … and decode it ..

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I have to confess in yarn now. I have a chronic addiction to web applications. More addictions are sprouting up over time and I shall reap further crippling addictions such as python modules, APIs, bindings, repos, deployment schematics, automation scripts, hexdumps, pcaps, ethernet plugs, the list goes on, I am done guys. It’s all over now I have realized the weight of my addiction. God save my happy soul.

⤋ Read More you mentioned in a memo earlier how you said “boring microblogging” about yarn, well, hopefully I’m allowed to help prevent the “boring” part. If I like something I tend to really like it, so, and I’m curious how exactly this is federating. Any hints mate?

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HELLO ALL, SORRY IF I AM NEW, I might speak out of turn, I don’t know all the logistics of this cute app yet :)

Plus, aha, I am known in XMPP world quite well for my character, please like me. Testing a youtube embed:

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In-reply-to » @prologic omg yes! They are both ultra-right-wing assholes! The worst of the worst! Please tell me you don't listen to these guys' brain poison?

A youtube video if you click it, I formatted wrong, and yes apparently embedding yt vids works in twtxt. Nice. I just don’t know how. “Lemme tell you something you don’t already know.. Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows……”

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Furthermore interesting is that suppose facebook and google are married, cuz they are, and you pop off facebook to a new tab with a facebook click id in the query string (the part after the ?, dunno if you know this, we just met) and the resulting page includes google analytics, what do you think the odds are that 15 more clicks to google SEO hits and you’ve actually strung together a chain of tracking your whereabouts on the internet?

As you may or may not know, a website when a hit reaches it, the webserver has a parameter field called the referrer (link) and based on the website’s own I think it’s cross origin request something (CORS) it can actually know the full URI (potentially) of the page you were at before you got there. This is a webserver thing, just a thing that’s there.

So if pages are sending with these query strings, and places are recieving for these GET request parameters (if you don’t navigate far from google and on the upper web) then google / fb are tracking u

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In-reply-to » Hi mate, how are you? Did you know that the &utm_source=silverchair&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=article_alert-jama&utm_content=olf&utm_term=050323 part of your link is tracking you and the people who click the link as a whole for advertisement or otherwise campaigns? Collecting Campaign Data - Google < for some information. I’m just asking if you knew, and perhaps what your policy is with sharing these GET requests with your links? Personally I always delete them when I can.

You know that every link originating from inside facebook app to outside it is appended with a ?fbclid=HASH and once the client clicks it they are actually (unless you workaround this, it’s a pain) not given a choice as to their data being collected off of a simple hyperlink?

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