@prologic We can't agree on this idea because that makes things even more complicated than it already is today. The beauty of twtxt is, you put one file on your server, done. One. Not five million. Granted, there might be archive feeds, so it might be already a bit more, but still faaaaaaar less than one file per message.
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@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org I also think we need to remove ourselves a bit from the “Twtxt” format as it was originally designed by Buckket.
The beauty of twtxt is, you put one file on your server, done. One.
I’m not talking (nor ever was here) about that. We should be allowed to and encourage dot evolve its usage and our own.
It would be far better as a community to focus on the utility of our tools, services, protocols, formats and specifications as well as our own clients and usages thereof rather than this “idealised” design from © 2016.
If you strongly disagree with this, then I think I’ll just honestly step away from all of this as the back ‘n forth on this whole “beaty” and “simplify” argument is honestly wearing me down 😢