In-reply-to » The “Matrix Experiment”, i.e. running a Matrix server for our family, has failed completely and miserably. People don’t accept it. They attribute unrelated things to it, like “I can’t send messages to you, I don’t reach you! It doesn’t work!” Yes, you do, I get those messages, I just don’t reply quickly enough because I’m at work or simply doing something else. Oh dear, people who have to always get an answer immediately have all sorts of issues. :-( They’re dead losses.

I will not use WhatsApp in a million years. It’s not worth it. Might be trickier with family members, but I also refuse to use such stuff. It definitely degrades some friends to aquaintances, but oh well. If I don’t know what I’m “missing out” on, then I simply cannot miss it. On the positive side, it frees my time for other things. :-)

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